Dental Implants All on 6: Benefits, Cost, and Procedure Explained

Illustration of tooth smiling

Dental implants All on 6 represent a transformative solution for those with extensive tooth loss. This technique involves six implants securing a full set of prosthetic teeth, offering enhanced stability and a seamless fit compared to traditional methods. If you’re seeking to understand how this innovative procedure can restore your smile’s functionality and appearance, our comprehensive guide explains the essentials of the benefits, the investment needed, and the procedural steps involved in All on 6 dental implants.

Key Takeaways

  • All-on-6 dental implants provide a full arch replacement with six implants for optimal support and functionality, often eliminating the need for additional bone grafting.
  • The procedure follows an initial consultation to determine candidacy, precise surgical implant placement, and ends with attachment of custom prosthetic teeth; recovery and maintenance are crucial for long-term success.
  • Costs vary, averaging between $24,000 and $31,000 per jaw in the US, with many factors affecting the final price; financing options are available, including insurance, payment plans, and alternative resources.

The All-on-6 Dental Implant System

All-on-6 dental implants are a game-changer in restorative dentistry. This system uses six titanium implants to anchor a full arch of teeth to your upper or lower jawbone. The result is a natural smile that not only looks great but also:

  • improves oral functionality
  • enhances chew efficiency
  • improves jawline appearance
  • eliminates speech defects

As they provide a stronger, more stable base compared to other options, they also promote strengthening of the jawbone while permanently replacing missing teeth.

Why six implants, you may ask? The number of implants provides optimal support and stability, ensuring the prosthetic teeth function as closely as possible to natural teeth. This groundbreaking approach has changed the face of restorative dentistry, offering a steadfast and enduring solution for significant tooth loss.

What is All-on-6?

The All-on-6 system employs six implants to support a full arch of prosthetic teeth, providing a permanent solution to restore dental functionality and aesthetics. The core components of the All-on-6 system include six titanium implants fitted into the jawbone and a dental arch that supports the prosthetic teeth fixed by titanium screws. Unlike the All-on-4 system where the back implants are angled, the implants in the All-on-6 system are placed straight.

These implants bond with the jawbone over time, providing a robust and durable foundation for the prosthetic arch. The fixed prosthetics are securely attached with titanium screws, ensuring they don’t slip or require adhesives, unlike traditional removable dentures. Due to these benefits, the All-on-6 system often becomes the preferred choice for patients with extensive tooth loss or significant bone deterioration as it ensures evenly distributed chewing force and stability.

Why Choose All-on-6?

Woman thinking and curiousAll-on-6 implants enhance stability and bone support in the jaw, preventing further gum recession and bone degeneration. One of the major advantages of this system is the strategic placement of implants, often eliminating the need for invasive bone grafting that other implant options might require.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, All-on-6 implants have a proven track record of over 20 years of durability without the need for repairs or replacements. This makes them a wise investment for those seeking a long-term solution for their dental health.

Furthermore, for patients with a strong gag reflex, All-on-6 provides a non-removable solution that avoids triggering this reflex, and the presence of keratinized mucosa around implants contributes to implant success.

When compared to traditional dentures, All-on-6 implants offer improved stability, durability, and a more natural appearance.

The All-on-6 Procedure

Delving into the specifics, the All-on-6 dental implant procedure involves three main steps: an initial consultation, the dental implant surgery for the placement of implants, and the attachment of prosthetic teeth. Once the personalized treatment plan is in place, the next step involves surgically placing six implants in specific locations within the jawbone. This strategic placement is crucial for the success of the procedure.

After the implants are surgically placed, a healing period ensues. Throughout this phase, the implants gradually integrate with the jawbone, establishing a sturdy foundation for the new teeth. This is a crucial phase in the procedure, as successful integration of the implants with the jawbone ensures the longevity and functionality of the prosthetic teeth.

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation for All-on-6 dental implants is more than just a meet-and-greet with your dentist. It’s a thorough evaluation conducted to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Factors such as jawbone density and overall oral health play a significant role in determining candidacy for All-on-6 dental implants.

This consultation involves an extensive oral examination coupled with an in-depth analysis of your upper or lower jaw and bone structure. Based on the findings of this oral health assessment, a personalized treatment plan is developed to address your specific needs. This ensures that no stone is left unturned when it comes to preparing for your procedure.

Surgical Placement of Implants

Once the initial consultation is completed, the process moves into the surgical phase. The surgical phase includes the following steps:

  1. Extraction of any remaining teeth in the arch to be treated.
  2. Precise incisions are made in the gum tissue to access the jawbone.
  3. Aftercare instructions are provided.
  4. Six implants are strategically placed into your jawbone with careful drilling.

This surgical placement is performed with sterile tools and a motor with a saline pump for irrigation, ensuring minimal trauma and optimal results. Post-surgery, the implants undergo a critical integration phase with the jawbone. This phase is monitored with periodic radiographic evaluations primarily every 3 to 4 months and then possibly reduced to every 3 years if no changes in bone levels are detected.

Prosthetic Teeth Attachment

After the implants successfully merge with the jawbone, the process transitions into the final phase – the attachment of the prosthetic teeth. Temporary healing abutments or caps may be placed on top of the implants to facilitate gum tissue healing and protect the implant sites. The implant integration phase, which occurs over a period of 4 to 12 weeks, requires strict adherence to dietary recommendations.

The prosthetic teeth for full mouth dental implants, such as All-on-6 dental implants, are specially fabricated to closely match your natural teeth color, shape, and facial structure. These mouth dental implants prosthetics, including false gums and ceramic or porcelain dentures, are tailored and secured to the implants.

Once the implants are fully integrated with the jawbone and healing is complete, the final prosthetic teeth are securely attached, marking the accomplishment of the functional aspect of the All-on-6 procedure. This attachment is a pivotal step in the All-on-6 procedure and is essential for ensuring the functionality and aesthetic aspects of your new smile.

Recovery and Maintenance

Following the procedure, the typical healing period for All-on-6 dental implants is approximately 6 months. During this time, you might experience potential maintenance issues such as increased sensitivity, chewing discomfort, and speech issues. However, these side effects are temporary, and with good dental health practices, they can be managed effectively.

To ensure the longevity of All-on-6 dental implants, maintaining excellent oral hygiene and scheduling regular dental check-ups is of utmost importance. Furthermore, All-on-6 dental implants have a reduced risk of surgical complications like infections, due to fewer incisions needed compared to traditional implants. This makes the recovery and maintenance process relatively simple and straightforward.

Post-Surgery Care

Managing pain effectively is essential after the surgery. This is typically handled with prescribed painkillers and antibiotics to prevent infection. Swelling and bruising are common after surgery, but these can be managed with rest and cold packs as recommended by your dentist.

In terms of dietary recommendations, you’ll start with liquids and pureed foods, progressing to soft foods, and eventually a normal diet over 3 to 6 months. Following surgery, you’ll receive detailed instructions on post-operative care and medications, and you may generally return to non-strenuous activities and work shortly afterward.

Long-Term Maintenance

Caring for your All-on-6 dental implants extends beyond the healing period. At-home oral hygiene for All-on-6 dental implants involves:

  • Using non-abrasive toothbrushes
  • Electric irrigation
  • Super floss
  • Interdental brushes
  • Sometimes chemotherapeutic agents to manage plaque and prevent tissue inflammation around implants.

Professional dental cleanings and regular check-ups are essential to remove plaque and calculus using specialized instruments that protect the implants surface, contributing to the overall health and functionality of All-on-6 implants. Regular monitoring of the occlusal status of implants and the attached prosthesis helps identify any disharmonies that could lead to implant overload and failure, affirming the need for professional oversight in maintenance.

Education on proper implant care techniques, such as the distribution of brochures or using technology-based approaches, is crucial to ensure patients understand how to maintain their dental implants effectively.

Cost and Financing Options for All-on-6 Dental Implants

Money fallingWhile All-on-6 dental implants offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider the cost. In the US, the average cost for All-on-6 Dental Implants ranges between $24,000 and $31,000 per jaw. However, several factors can influence the final cost, including any additional treatments required and the complexity of your dental health situation.

Fortunately, there are various financing options available. Some dental insurance providers in the USA may cover up to 100% of the cost for selected dental implant surgeries, while others may offer partial coverage. You can also use dental financing plans to manage the cost of dental implants, allowing for extended payment periods of two to seven years.

Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts enable individuals to pay for dental implants with pre-tax dollars. Alternative financing options include:

  • Borrowing from retirement plans or home equity
  • Seeking less expensive treatment abroad
  • Utilizing dental grants
  • Opting for services at dental schools

Factors Affecting Cost

The cost of All-on-6 dental implants can be influenced by several factors. For instance, if additional treatments like bone grafting, ridge segmentation, or sinus lift are required, this could increase the overall cost.

Comparatively, All-on-6 dental implants have the following advantages over the All-on-4 option:

  • Two additional implants provide increased stability and support
  • Potential requirement for bone grafting improves the success rate and long-term durability
  • Better distribution of biting forces, reducing the risk of implant failure
  • Improved aesthetics and natural-looking smile

While All-on-6 implants may be more expensive initially due to the additional implants and potential bone grafting, the long-term benefits and durability often make it a cost-effective solution, including the use of a bone graft.

Financing Options

When it comes to financing your All-on-6 dental implants, there are several routes you can take:

  • Insurance plans may cover up to 50% of major dental procedures, such as All-on-6 dental implants, and providers like Dr. Jean Greco work to create affordable plans with insurance companies, even if they are not within their network.
  • Patients can choose long-term payment plans to make healthcare costs more manageable.
  • Additionally, they may be eligible for service discounts to help reduce expenses.

Conventional financing methods for All-on-6 dental implants include:

  • Medical credit cards with special financing terms
  • Personal loans from banks or credit unions
  • Credit cards with zero percent introductory offers for those with excellent credit

Special financing options are also available for individuals with bad credit, though these typically come with higher interest rates. Personal savings can be a direct way to finance All-on-6 dental implants, whether it’s through existing savings or by setting aside funds specifically for the procedure.

Alternative sources like peer-to-peer lending platforms can be used, though these require a well-defined repayment plan, and borrowing against retirement plans or home equity is another option with caution due to potential long-term impacts. The choice of financing for All-on-6 dental implants influences the overall cost, with various interest rates and terms affecting the total amount paid.

Comparing All-on-6 with Other Dental Implant Options

When considering All-on-6 dental implants, it’s useful to compare this system with other dental implant options. All-on-6 and All-on-X dental implant procedures are full-mouth implant options with differences such as:

  • The number of implants used, with All-on-6 utilizing six implants for support
  • The type of prosthesis used
  • The surgical technique employed
  • The overall cost and treatment time

By understanding these differences, you can make an informed decision about which dental implant option is best for you.

While both systems offer effective solutions for full-arch tooth replacement, they have their own unique advantages and considerations. For instance, the All-on-4 system uses fewer implants than All-on-6, making it suited for patients with limited bone density who may not be able to endure the pressure from more implants. On the other hand, cleaning is more challenging with the All-on-6 system compared to All-on-4 due to the higher number of implants and the presence of additional posts between them.

All-on-6 vs. All-on-4

When comparing All-on-6 with the All-on-4 system, the additional two implants in the All-on-6 system provide increased stability, which can extend the life of the prosthetic arch. This makes All-on-6 a preferred choice for those seeking a more robust and durable solution for their missing teeth.

That said, All-on-4 may be the better option for patients without sufficient bone strength, as All-on-6 requires a certain level of bone density to support the additional two implants. All-on-4 implants involve four implants per arch with two vertical front area implants and two angled back area implants, potentially eliminating the need for bone grafting.

All-on-6 vs. Traditional Dentures

Compared to traditional dentures, All-on-6 dental implants offer significant advantages. All-on-6 implants are permanently fixed in the mouth, providing a stable and secure fit, unlike traditional dentures which are removable and may need adhesives to stay in place.

This makes All-on-6 a more convenient and comfortable option for those seeking a permanent solution to their missing teeth.

Choosing the Right Dentist for Your All-on-6 Procedure

After deciding to opt for All-on-6 dental implants, the next crucial step is selecting the right dentist. It’s crucial to verify that the dental clinic provides authentic, high-quality implant brands rather than low-quality copies to ensure the success of your All-on-6 dental implant treatment.

The ideal dentist for your All-on-6 procedure would be one who:

  • Boasts of required skills
  • Has proven expertise
  • Has positive feedback from patients
  • Utilizes the latest technology and equipment

Dentist Experience

The professional experience of your dentist significantly influences the outcome of your All-on-6 procedure. You should choose a dentist who has a proven track record performing All-on-6 procedures, as they are more likely to possess the necessary skills and expertise.

Patient reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of service and experiences of previous patients with the dentist’s All-on-6 procedures. Take the time to read these reviews and consider booking a consultation to get a feel for the dentist’s approach and demeanor.

Technology and Equipment

The outcome of your All-on-6 procedure can be greatly influenced by the technology and equipment used by your dentist. Advanced technology, including digital probes and correct radiographic assessment techniques, is crucial for accurately evaluating dental implant success.

Clinical evidence such as audits involving postgraduate trainees show that using SLA/SLActive surface implants results in high survival and success rates for dental implants. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a dentist who utilizes the latest technology and high-quality implants.

Dr. Joan Greco brings a wealth of expertise and experience to patients seeking all-on-4 dental implants in Hawaii. With advanced training and a deep understanding of oral surgery, prosthodontics, and implantology, Dr. Greco is known for her meticulous approach and commitment to patient care. Her comprehensive knowledge allows her to tailor treatment plans to individual needs, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. Dr. Greco’s skillful application of the all-on-4 technique enables patients to regain full dental function and a confident smile, enhancing their quality of life with long-lasting results in the beautiful backdrop of Hawaii.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is all-on-6 dental implants worth it?

Yes, all-on-6 dental implants are worth it as they make the teeth more stable and robust, providing a safer option for patients. The two extra implants also improve the jaw’s stability and durability.

How long does all-on-6 implants last?

All-on-6 implants can last for at least 10 years, and up to 30 years with good dental hygiene.

How much do all-on-6 dental implants cost in the US?

All-On-6® dental implants in the US typically cost between $24,000 and $31,000 per jaw, covering pre-surgical workup, the initial set, and the final set of implants.

How painful is all-on-6 dental implants?

All-on-6 dental implants may involve minimal discomfort during the surgical procedure due to anesthesia, with some tenderness and swelling after surgery that should subside with time.

What is the All-on-6 dental implant system?

The All-on-6 dental implant system is a permanent solution that uses six implants to support a full arch of prosthetic teeth, providing a natural look and improved oral function.